Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring of Relationship

Emily’s first Facebook post of the day was an uploaded picture of a purple iris with the following post: “Hello Spring! Woke up this morning to my first iris of the season.” (Thursday, April 7, 2011) Emily is right - spring has arrived. There are signs of it everywhere. Plants, trees, flowers and shrubs have awakened with the arrival of warm weather, rain and sunshine. The azaleas and roses are in full blossom. Pruned crepe myrtles are showing new growth. Trees are thick with lush green leaves. My dad has tilled his garden in preparation for planting. Friends have spent weekends working in flowerbeds. Lawnmowers and weed eaters (weed whackers for my Northern friends) are common sounds in the late afternoon. The smell of grilling meat wafts across backyards.

Signs of spring? Sure. But there is far more to see than just spring. Look deeper and see God’s glory. See Him in the rustling leaves. See Him in the bright blossoms. See Him in the smell of freshly mown grass. See Him in the tilled soil. Believing that God is present in all things underscores the belief that we are closest to God when we are enveloped in the glory of His world.

As you experience the pleasures that spring brings, also experience the pleasure that is God. There is something about seeing, smelling, feeling and sensing God’s glory that draws us into closer relationship with him. When we commune with nature, we are in closer communion with God. As we physically experience the transformation of winter, we are more open to his transformative power.

The flowerbed at the end of my drive way is a complete disaster. I haven’t given it very much attention in the last two years. I’ve done the basics, but haven’t tended to it with the attention I should have. The bulbs are unearthed, the soil washed away, shrubs are intertwined and weeds have taken over. Lee wants to till it up and start over. I’m hanging on to the belief that it can be transformed, restored back to what it once was.

I can’t ignore the symbolism of the flowerbed. There are times when I don’t give God the attention he deserves. Long periods of time pass without deep conversation. Life interferes. Worries override faith. Our relationship ends up much like my flowerbed, in disarray. Relationship with God requires constant attention.

Lee might be right about the flowerbed; restoring it back to its original state might be hopeless. The soil is hard packed and bulbs, shrubs and whatever else is in there may be unforgiving. But, this weekend I am tackling that flowerbed. I’m going to give it as much attention as possible. As I work on transforming the flowerbed, I’ll also work on transforming myself, allowing God’s restorative power nurture my spirit and create within me a spring of relationship with him.

Hello spring! Hello God!

“See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come.
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines
spread their fragrance…”
Song of Songs 2:11-13

Copyright © 2011 Judith Bell

Thanks to my friends Emily Wingfield and Kyra Ebarb for providing the inspiration for this week’s reflection.