Thursday, June 9, 2011

Game of Life

Phase 10 is one of my favorite card games. It is described as “a rummy type card game with a challenging and exciting twist.” The challenge is to be the first person to complete the ten phases. The twist is that each has specific requirements (i.e., 2 sets of 3 or 1 set of 3 and a run of 4) that must be completed before a player can move on to the next phase. It is a lot of fun and no matter who plays there is always a lot of laughter, some expressions of frustrations, some mild and not so mild accusations, and more than a few choice words! (And yes, I am usually the most competitive player of the group.) Although the premise of the games stays the same; the rules vary depending on the group with whom you play.

Sounds a lot like life doesn’t it? How are you moving through the phases of your life? Are you laughing? Are you expressing frustration? Are you making accusations? Are you using a few choice words because of your circumstance?

Chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes reminds us that “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity. As we move through the phases of life, it is important to remember that our timing and God’s timing might be in different time zones! Solomon writes: “The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

Consider the phases of your life and what God’s plans for you hold. Take time to read the following passages of Scripture:
• Psalm 40:5
• Jeremiah 29:11
• Ephesians 2:10
• Philippians 2:13

Life is a journey. Life is a book with many volumes. Life is a game of many phases. Life is continuous seasons. Life is a play with different acts on different stages. Life is what you make it. During the phases of your life be sure to make time for God. How? Love God and love others. Establish your priorities. Engage in activities that fill your heart and bring you joy. Live freely. Enjoy the challenge; making sure that you avoid the twists! There is always adventure in the next phase. Play the game!

Copyright©2011 Judith Bell

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